Kingswood South Public School

Striving for Excellence

Telephone02 4736 2408

Special Education Unit

Welcome to Our Special Education Unit

At Kingswood South Public School we are dedicated to providing an inclusive, supportive, and enriching environment for all our students. Our Special Education Unit stands as a testament to this commitment, offering tailored educational programs and resources to ensure every child can thrive.

Inclusive Approach

Our philosophy centres on inclusivity, ensuring that every student, regardless of their needs, is an integral part of our school community. We believe that all children should have the opportunity to learn and grow alongside their peers. Our inclusive approach means students in the Special Education Unit participate in mainstream classes and activities whenever possible. This integration fosters a sense of belonging and mutual respect among all students, helping to build a cohesive and supportive school culture.

Sensory Supports

Recognising that each child has unique sensory needs, our Special Education Unit is equipped with a variety of sensory supports. These include:

· Sensory Rooms: A specially designed space where students can regulate their sensory input through activities like swinging, bouncing, and tactile exploration.

· Calm Corners: Designated areas in each classroom where students can retreat to manage sensory overload, equipped with tools like weighted blankets, noise-cancelling headphones, and stress balls.

· Flexible Seating: Options like stability balls, bean bags, and standing desks to help students maintain focus and comfort throughout the day.

These supports are tailored to help students with sensory processing challenges to stay engaged and comfortable, thereby enhancing their learning experience.

Individualised Care

Understanding that each child is unique, we offer Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for students in our Special Education Unit. These plans are developed in collaboration with teachers, parents, and specialists to address the specific needs and goals of each student. Our dedicated team of special education teachers and support staff work closely with students to monitor progress and adjust strategies as needed. This individualised care ensures that every child receives the attention and support they need to succeed academically, socially, and emotionally.

Multicategorical Classes

Our Special Education Unit features four Multicategorical classes designed to cater to students with a range of learning needs and disabilities. These classes provide:

· Tailored Curriculum: Customised lessons that align with each student's abilities and learning styles.

· Small Group Instruction: Allowing for more focused attention and support from teachers.

· Collaborative Learning: Opportunities for students to work together, fostering social skills and peer support.

Each Multicategorical class is staffed by highly trained educators who are committed to creating a positive and effective learning environment.

Early Intervention Class

We further offer applications for our Early Intervention class for preschool aged children, who require additional support at the start of their educational journey. This class focuses on:

· Developmental Milestones: Addressing key areas such as speech, motor skills, and social interaction.

· Play-Based Learning: Engaging activities that promote learning through play, which is essential for young children.

· Parental Involvement: Encouraging parents to be active participants in their child's education, ensuring consistency and support both at school and at home.

Our Early Intervention class aims to give young learners the best possible start, setting the foundation for future success.

If you have an interest in our Special Education Unit for your child please contact the school office on 47362408.

For NSW public school information please visit our inclusive learning support hub and starting school with additional needs.